Things I'd like to know about the DLR, but don't...

Has anyone had a chance to really dig into the DLR??... I've
briefly browsed the source code in IronPython 2.0 for the
Microsoft.Scripting project, it looks promising... but I really
need to sit down and write myself a simple little DSL from
end-to-end to get a handle on it (when I get time, I'll be sure to
post a mini-series on it ;o)

Things I have been wondering though are:

  • Is it possible to decorate dynamic classes with attributes
    yet? (i.e. create say an WCF message class and decorate it with
    [DataMember] attributes dynamically) - no attribute support in
    IronPython 1.x was a problem for Ivan a while ago.

  • Are continuations supported (and how) ?
  • Just how well does the language mixing work... Can I grab an
    instance of an IronPython class and change just a single
    instances methods using features particular to (Iron)Ruby

I'd love to know a few things, but just don't have the time at
the moment to find out right now.

Also I wonder if pushing IronPython & IronRuby into the
mainstream is going to see a surge in interest for projects like
FePy ?  I still
feel the value proposition for a lot of the dynamic languages on
the CLR/DLR is weakened by the fact that the BCL isn't as much fun
to use from a dynamic langauge as the native equivalents for the
ruby or python (or certainly makes it difficult to port python or
ruby knowledge of the managed equivalents) ... I'm sure I could
write a YAML parser in C# that would be "good" - but it's not going
to feel as nice to use as say Why's Syck parser which is built
with dynamic languages in mind.
Written on May 1, 2007