Sylvia Park Architecture Chat Tomorrow

Sylvia Park Architecture chat tomorrow - 11:30am - all welcome - see the wiki for more details.

Some possible topics:

Also we didn't cover some of the topics from last time, so I'll
  • Non-paged CLR host - No paging during normal operation and no paging
    will occur when the application is idle.... hmmm... could be useful!
  • StyleCop - C# source code analysis for compliance against a set of rules that embody Microsoft's own style conventions.
  • Spartan programming
  • PSake - build automation tool without the angle bracket
  • "tax" (bit like rake or bake (boo make) - but with more similiarity to existing command line tools).
  • Dependency Injection is dead? (A provocatively named article, but really it's just about using compile-time IL-weaving to do lazy loaded DI).
  • TypeMock racer - interesting deadlock finder (still under development) - and probably a sign of things to come (i.e. array of tooling to verify sound multi-threaded code).
  • AAA style syntax for Rhino Mocks (Arrange, Act, Assert) - I've been using this for the past couple of weeks on a project, it really allows for concise easy to read testing with stubs/mocks.

Look forward to seeing you all there!
Written on July 23, 2008