2009-07-28 - Architecture Chat Tomorrow

Some Possible Topics:

We'll be meeting at the usual time of 11:30am @ Garrisons, Sylvia Park, Thursday  30th July 2009 - and the topics above are just there in case we run out of anything else to talk about (which is rare).

For more details on the location and write-ups of previous sessions you can consult the associated wiki.

There's also a .Net user group meeting Tomorrow (Thursday, 30th July, 5:30pm onwards) - details here.

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2009-07-14 - Architecture Chat This Thursday

It’s been a month since the last one – I’ve shaken off my flu – and It’s time to get back on track.

So yes, It’s that time again – time for another Auckland Architecture chat!


Some possible topics for this week:

When & Where...

We’ll be meeting at the usual time of 11:30am @ Garrisons, Sylvia Park, Thursday  16th July 2009 – and the topics above are just there in case we run out of anything else to talk about (which is rare).

For more details on the location and write-ups of previous sessions you can consult the associated wiki.


Lastly – watched this video tonight on channel 9, where Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer whiteboard the IObservable and IObserver interfaces, exploring it as a Dualisation of IEnumerable and IEnumerator i.e. the underpinnings of reactive programming, and how this allows us to bring Linq to events.  Great to see this will get adoption at the framework/Microsoft level – and I think the IObserver interface looks easier to follow and more complete (especially with respect to handling exceptions) compared to say the Reactive Linq library Tomas Petricek blogged about last year which I used on some toy projects at the time.

Had a quick play around with implementing some of the basic functionality, like Where, Select, Take, Last, Merge, Rate Limiting etc. while watching the video, just to see what was involved, you can take a look at all the code here if you’re curious.

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2009-07-07 - Next Architecture Chat

Hi All,

Just a quick update re: the next Architecture Chat.

Last weeks chat didn't go ahead because I was overseas on leave, and unfortunately on my way home I picked up a dose of some mega flu which is knocking me around something fierce - apparently it's not of the swine variety, but I'm starting to wonder...

At any rate, rather then unleash it upon everyone else I'll hold off setting up another chat until I've recovered - so I suspect that'll mean Thursday next week, 16th July.

If you have any topic suggestions for next week, just leave a comment on this post, flick me an email or message me on twitter.  Look forward to seeing you all then.

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Architecture Chat #50

Sorry for the delays, here's the write-up for the last architecture chat.

  • Discussed equivalent Java WAR Files, and options/alternatives (or lack there of) for .Net - including Sharepoint's WSP files, and the Microsoft web platform installer.
  • Internationalisation - discussions around the lack of good, free tools for i18n'ing applications and user interfaces easily.
  • Crunchpad device, and a brief side-conversation about Mike Arringtons antics in the geek media lately.
  • Build Providers, and their uses.
  • Refactoring legacy code as a skill and discussions around painting inwards from many corners and other apporaches to dividing, conquering and controlling legacy code.
  • Vodafone MM7 gateway on the way.
  • Outsourcing / Telecommuting, and general factors such as Time zones, synchronizing streams of works, the productivity bonuses and personality challenges of working away from your team.
  • Ipod touch as a handheld device to target for business app development.
  • Conditional defines, modularity and the roll on effects for continuous integration and support.
  • Mono's difficulties/bad PR on Linux as people get confused/concerned about licensing.
  • Memory mapped files in .Net 4.0 (easier to use that you'd expect).
  • Was ruby the right choice - discussing thoughtworks experiences with ruby, the velocity at which new tools are developed/adopted/dropped for the ruby platform, and what paralells and differences exist between it and .Net.

We also had a new comer, who's just moved back to Auckland from overseas, Josh
.  Always glad to see new faces!
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2009-06-17 - Architecture Chat Tomorrow

Hi All, It's that time again - time for another Auckland
Architecture chat.

Some possible topics I've come across in the last couple of

We'll be meeting at the usual time of 11:30am @ Garrisons, Sylvia
Park, Tomorrow (Thursday 18th June 2009) - and the topics above
are just there in case we run out of anything else to talk about
(which is rare).

For more details on the location and write-ups of previous
sessions you can consult the associated wiki.

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