Architecture Chat #22 This Thursday

So, the Sylvia Park Architecture Chat is back for 2008 - To be held this Thursday, 11:30am at Garrisons in Sylvia Park.

Some possible topics for discussion are listed below, though feel free to suggest additional topics either via a comment on this post or email - I haven't been keeping much of an eye on technology over the xmas break.

  • ASP.Net Web Extensions CTP Preview Was Released, including MVC, Dynamic Data Support (scaffolding *yawn*), Silverlight extensions & Data Services (Astoria).
  • MvcContrib project sparked off - adding NVelocity, NHaml (developed by Andrew Peters) and Xslt  (Developed by Ivan Porto Carrero) view engines to the ASP.Net MVC project as well as providing integration with a select number of IoC containers and other improvements to make the ASP.Net MVC CTP easier to work with i.e. convention over configuration.
  • The Castle Refactor - Monorail is getting an overhaul in the Castle Project, and they are in the process of moving to the NHibernate (2.0) Trunk as well.  Hopefully it will make my guide to running with the "trunks" largely obsolete.
  • Parallel FX CTP - We didn't talk about this last time, might be worth giving it a look.
  • Practical F# Parsing - I mentioned a little bit about parsing with F# at the last Architecture, and this series I've been watching with interest as it's covered off implementing a PEG parser with F# -writing Parsers with F# is pretty slick
    compared to object oriented languages.
  • Internet Explorer 8 announcements.
  • Rod Drury - For anyone involved in a startup from day one I'm sure we can give these series of posts (1,2 & 3 of 6 so far) a definite head nod (or a long drawn out
    sigh for guidance arriving to late ;o)

See you all there!
Written on January 7, 2008