Architecture Chat 24 Next Week

Hi all...  So first off, there's no Architecture Chat today - I'm tied up with prior commitments (due to the short week) so it's going to be held Thursday next week -14th of February, apologies to anyone who was going to attend.

As far as possible topics, what about:

  • All the interesting stuff that came out of Lang.Net (or at least was brought to my attention by that symposium)
  • Cosmos - a cute operating system written in C#.
  • Charlie Calvert's started posting on the future of C# (4.0).
  • Jumbala - another interesting step down the MDA road, this time as an
    action language for UML state machines... which can actually be compiled.
  • .Net Mass Downloader - here's something I was thinking of doing myself, a mass download for all the .Net Framework source code.
  • Resharper 4 EAP delayed.
  • Lightspeed 1.2 released.
  • The rise of WPF vs WinFroms.
  • The Auckland dev community are slackers compared to Tauranga.
  • Vista SP1 and Windows 2008 RTM.

No doubt there will be plenty more.

See everyone next week!

Written on February 6, 2008